Provide remote access to its collection and services.
Develop a collection of various types of resources, both printed and digital.
Be a role model in leadership and initiative-taking, and make the LRC the center of the school and education.
Be proactive in reflecting on the transforming and engaging role of the school library and its contribution to a successful education.
Spread the love of reading.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere.
Guide users in their search for the resources and needed information, and train them to become independent researchers.
Be proactive in preparing students for college.
Raise Information Literacy (I.L.) across all grade levels in different subjects and through subject integration.
Reduce/ Eliminate the affective fear that students might encounter in academic libraries by providing equity in access to information and by teaching research skills from an early age.
To instill the love of reading among students.
To increase the library collection.
To raise I.L. awareness.
To promote the library vision.
To collaborate with teachers in planning for research.