Our Principal’s Message

At HPS-Br. we believe that every child is a valuable gift from God. Every child is born to add value to this world. Our duty as educators is to make our students believe in themselves and help them discover their hidden talents. A dry seed that has no sign of life, once given the right conditions, will grow into a tree and add beauty to the environment. Similarly, every child, once given the right education and the proper care at school, will succeed and contribute positively to the world.

Our aim is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills needed for their next stage of learning; equally important is the personal development of our students. We want them to be self-confident, feel proud of their strengths, acknowledge their weaknesses, be proud of their identity and values, and be tolerant and respectful of others.

We celebrate our success when we see the smile on the students’ faces and feel that they are enjoying their learning at our school, and we guarantee that they will leave us as life-long learners.

Mr. Nicolas Jreije

Our Mission

Horizon Private School – American Branch is committed to creating a secure and stimulating learning environment where students can reach their maximum potential through high standards in teaching and leadership.

We want our young people to become life-long learners and valuable members of the wider global community.

Our Vision

Our vision reflects a passionate commitment to scholarship and appreciation of the uniqueness of each individual student, encouraging all of our learners to:

  • Take all of life’s challenges in their stride.
  • Dare to dream and be proud of who they are.
  • Think positively and without boundaries, always striving to change the world for the better.
  • Learn that while failure isn’t fun, it is an opportunity to learn, reflect, and reorganize.
  • Understand that struggle is sometimes exactly what we need in life for self-improvement and self-investment.

First-Rate Education System

Education is a fundamental building block in the development of a nation and the best investment in its youth. The UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda puts a strong emphasis on this fact, focusing on the need to cultivate a first-rate education system.

This will necessitate the complete transformation of the existing education system, including its teaching methods, with the National Agenda calling for all schools, universities, and students to be equipped with smart systems and devices, which will create a basis for all teaching methods, projects, and research.

There will also be a significant investment in encouraging and supporting enrollment in preschools, as this plays a crucial role in shaping children’s characters and personalities.

The National Agenda is committed to ensuring that UAE students rank among the best in the world in reading, mathematics, and science exams, as well as having a sound knowledge of the Arabic language. In doing so, it aims to improve the rate of graduation from secondary schools, which will be achieved by making sure that all schools have exceptional leadership and internationally accredited teaching staff.


To be among the 20 highest performing countries in PISA

Completion of High School Education

To ensure 90% of Emirati students complete their high school education.

High Skill in Arabic Language

To ensure 90% of Grade 9 students develop high skills in Arabic language.

Highly Effective School Leadership

To ensure 100% of schools have highly-effective school leadership


To be among the 15 highest performing countries in TIMMS

Attending Pre-Primary

To ensure 95% of children attend pre-primary education

High Quality School Teachers

To ensure 100% of schools have high quality teachers

Broaden Your Child’s Unique Horizon

At HPS-Br., we strive to develop students as ‘the best versions of themselves’. Our core values, individuality, and tradition result in a caring, distinctive, and successful school, with an atmosphere all of its own.

So much of this evolves from our unique culture, which provides the ethos, environment, and framework for the enduring values, practices, and approaches that underpin an education. We focus on the real needs of our students, resulting in a happy and thriving school.

Affordable World-class Education

Providing an inclusive education from Pre-KG up to Grade 12, while valuing students for whatever talents they possess, is at the heart of everything we do. As an American school with an international outlook, we empower our students with the skills they need to face the challenges of the future while promoting a global perspective and digital fluency. This global perspective is supported through the learning of three different languages – English, Arabic, and French – starting from KG1.

Following a broad and balanced American curriculum, HPS-Br. Welcomes students who value morals and education while upholding a sense of fairness, kindness, and personal responsibility. We set high expectations for effort and behavior, and our students always rise to meet this challenge.

So much of this evolves from our unique culture, which provides the ethos, environment, and framework for the enduring values, practices, and approaches that underpin an education. We focus on the real needs of our students, resulting in a happy and thriving school.

Local Values with a Global Outlook

Our school is an integral part of everyday life in Khalifa City. Maintaining a deep respect for the vision, history, and traditions of our host country, more than 63% of our students are Emirates and the rest of our girls and boys represent 47 countries throughout the world. Consequently, the local community is undoubtedly enriched by the cultural diversity of our student body.

Our Core Values

(A) Authenticity.

(B) Brilliance.

(U) Uniqueness.

(D) Diversity.

(H) Honesty.

(A) Accountability.

(B) Bravery.

(I) Integrity


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